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Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele nedostaješ samo dragi Bog zna koliko ~♥~
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Precious Angel, lighting this candle in your loving memory, God bless your loved ones.
cindi dana regans mom
Justin everyday we travel this journey and the heartache we carry but it is just one day closer to seeing you again. Hugs
dragan's dad
Candles in honor of memories ours loved ones,may gods peace and grace be forever and always with each of you.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's kingdom always surround you with the everlasting light and peace. We love you. We miss you. Sweet dreams with God.XO
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Release your Heavenly Angel Dust allowing your wonderful Spirits to flow
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
╰☆╮Precious Justin Spread your wings and Shine bright your Angel Glow, Release your Heavenly Angel Dust allowing your wonderful Spirits to Flow╰☆╮
God bless you and your family. I hope that memories and peace heal your heart.
Teresa Jacobs
How can I get over losing my child, I can't - only keep moving til we meet again! Love you my firstborn!!!
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
God bless your family. May the sweet lovely memories strengthen the hearts of many. Be Blessed!
Jo-Ann Pacenta~Lauren's mom
I believe that r angels bring us peace & love. They r with us always, watching over us. May u feel love all around u.((hugs))
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sorry for not lighting candles these days. , for I could not get the internet where I was. I was away and I just got home now
michelle wilson
Sending my love and hugs to you angel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
They say death is the most beautiful adventure in life. I say death of a child is the most painful journey any parent can walk to.
drema mom to amanda wooten
Lighting this candle in your memory.may your light shine bright in the evening stars
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the gift of love God gave us burn radiantly strong in our hearts, minds, souls in loving memories of our children in Heaven
michelle wilson
Just want you to know im sending love and hugs to you in heaven xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele uživaj u ljepoti nebeskih prostranstava i neka ti ova svijeća obasjava put u domu Gospodnjem. ~♥~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Memories are a legacy of hope and courage left to keep us go on when the giver is gone.SW. Memories are the keepsake of our hearts
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Lighting a candle for your precious angel. May his love shine forever in your hearts! Hugs!!
Patty~Mom To Nicholas Zanfini
Wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day! Sending Hugs and Kisses..xoxo
dragan's dad
Wishing you a Blessed Mother's Day „A mother and child...death can't take it away, this connection is eternal“
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Wishing you A very Blessed Mother's Day with your Angel by your side sending you whispers of love from Heaven on your cheeks.
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Wishing you Teresa a gentle Mather's day with sweet remembrance of Justin..fly close ^Y^, mom need you near GB XO
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Wishing your mom a Happy Mothers day..Give her a sign that you are with her. Love and Hugs.
Teresa Jacobs
Missing you my firstborn as Mother's Day approaches. I love you more than words can express!
cindi dana regans mom
Justin twinkle brightly in the sky so i no where you are and send you lots of kisses (Teresa)
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God comfort you with His everlasting Blessings, peace, and glory along your heavenly journey. We miss you so much in our lives
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day! God Loves You!
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Always in my thoughts and prayers, Love to you and your family..
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the blessings of Blessed Mother keep you gloriously happy and at peace along your journey and strengthen our hope to see you.
Milena ~♥~Darko Durbic mom
Have you ever wondered what makes the wind blow? Could it be our loved ones blowing us a kiss? ~♥~
dragan's dad
Justin,we do not need a special time to bring you to our minds.Candles is sign.No words can make it better,except candles.GB.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God keep you safe, happy, and at peace beside His loving son Jesus. Sending you love for a glorious night. Stay close to earth
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JUSTIN*.You live in God's marvellous light.Pray for us all on earth.
Bette Clark
Stopping by to say hi to a special angel, so missed and so loved. Stay close to ur family let them know u are near ♥♥♥
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