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sue jarvis July 4, 2012
Thinking of you Theresa.....
I never knew you Justin, but I worked with your mom for a little while.  And your kid brother gave my daughter her very first kiss at day care.... I know your family grieves for you every single day and it's harder some days than others.  Your children will grow up knowing the wonderful father you were, because your memory will not die.  You will always be in their hearts. 
Berislav Jovic April 18, 2011
dragan's dad

I came across your Son's Site and I'm so sorry for your loss. My deeply condolence. When I look at the pictures of your Son and read his story, I feel so much pain for you, his family. He is such a handsome young man. Not many people can understand this pain, execpt those that have lost a own child.                                                                                                                              I lost my son  year and a half ago to a car accident and los of a own’s child it's the hardest thing that any parent can happen.  He was 24 when he joined the angels. I just try to keep all of my precious memories alive and know that I will see his smiling face again one day.  Your website is wonderful.

Berislav Jović, dragan’s dad                       

Kathy January 22, 2011
Mom to Angel Stevie R. Garza
I would just like to say that you have a beautiful family. The more I read Justin's blog,the more I shed tears.. Loosing a loved one is the hardest thing a mother can go thru. My son too was sent to be an angel in July 07. Continue smiling Justin & always remember how much your family loves & misses you. Spread your wings & fly. Justin, if you see my son Stevie, will you make sure that he knows that he is deeply missed. That's him in the picture...
Suzanne August 25, 2010
Cory Snell's Mom

Thanks for lighting all the candles  I noticed in a couple of your son's pictures he had a hat like this one on. It was his favorite! Take care. 

Heather July 20, 2010
Thank You

Thank you so much for lighting candles on my brothers site. For some reason today I looked at your sons and realized his angelversary just passed. My you find peace in knowing the precious Lords face shines upon him face to face. God's blessings. You have done a beauitful job on his page. Maybe you can tell me how to figure it out some day. I'm not sure how to add music or slide shows. Blessings .......Hugs


LostMom to Patrick Barbosa February 11, 2010
image Thank you for visiting my beloved son Patrick. I agree this is an awful place to meet people, but this is  another place that I feel free to open my broken heart, to cry, and share my painful journey since I lost Patrick. I have also joined the " Compassionate Friends"  the very first month of my tragedy. They have a meeting once a month for two hours where we share our pain, sorrow, new journey.

My life is so empty, alone without Patrick. It will be seven months since God called my Angel to Heaven, and I don't know what I am doing or going from one moment to the next. I have thinking of going back to work but just the thought of walking a lonely journey without Patrick scare me to do anything. My world has changed. I spend all my time reading grieving books, afterlife books, going to the cemetery, and spending most of my time on my son website talking to him while imaging life with my loving son Patrick. Life is so unfair! Why only good people die young? Why our children? Since I lost Patrick, I found myself writing to him to make sense of my unbearable tragedy. I wish all the bereaved parent to find hope, understanding, compassion, and faith. I pray for our Angels for peace, happiness, and glory ETERNALLY. GOD BLESS YOU! GOD BLESS US!
Sherri Broadway January 25, 2010
Your amazing
Teresa, this web page is amazing.  What a wonderful way to celebrate Justin's life.  I know the hurt and do see how this webpage could certainly help to bring peace.
mom to Angel Darko December 13, 2009
Thank You


Thank yoy for all the visits and everything what you put on my sons page. I hope that both of us will will find some peace for comming holidays. Milena Darko's mom

Virgie~Mom of Karen Smith December 9, 2009

My Daughter Karen's website is:

I would be happy if you would stop by her website and light A candle.

Karen left us almost 10 months ago this is our second holiday with out her and it is so hard. How have you dealed with Justin's passing? He is such A handsome young man. God Bless your family and many hugs sent your way....Virgie

mom to angel Timothy Crandall November 27, 2009
thank you

Thank you for your beautiful Thanksgiving poem that you put on my precious Timmy's page. Your kind thoughts and your candles mean the world to me. It's been almost one year without my Timmy and I get so much comfort from reading and seeing candles lit from so many people that I don't know that take the time to leave comforting words. Thank you...

Timothy's Mom - Jeannette _

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