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Life story
August 13, 1979
Justin was born on August 13, 1979 to Ron Lindley and Teresa Bradley Lindley.  He was the first child and first grandchild on both sides of the family.  He was a beautiful dark haired, 8 lb. 14 oz. baby boy with beautiful dark brown eyes.  He was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas at 8:54 a.m.
June 1, 1984
Justin and his Mom moved to North Little Rock. He began kindergarten at Park Hill Elementary and after Christmas transferred to Sherwood Elementary.  He attended grade school there until the 5th grade. 
October 1, 1989
After Justin's family bought a house on Easy Street in Sherwood, Justin transferred to Sylvan Hills Elementary.  He attended Sylvan Hills schools until December of 1991 of his 7th grade year.
January 1, 1992
At the age of 12, Justin moved back to Jonesboro to live with his Dad.  He began his junior high school years at Annie Camp Junior High.  Later he would attend Jonesboro High School and Valley View High School in Jonesboro until he was a junior.
March 1, 1996
At the age of 16, Justin moved back to Sherwood with his Mom.  He began to finish high school.
April 1997
Earned high school diploma from Living Heritage Academy.
January 1, 1999

Justin was inducted into the United States Army.  He went to boot camp in Fort Knox Kentucky.  After boot camp his duty station was Fort Polk Louisiana.

July 21, 1999

Justin became a daddy.  Austin Bradley Lindley was born today.  Justin was serving in the army at the time.  He missed the birth but was very excited and proud of his little boy.  He and Austin loved to play video games together and were big Sponge Bob buddies.

January 7, 2004
Justin prayed his salvation prayer and wrote the date in the front of his Bible.
August 2005
Began taking classes at Pulaski Technical College preparing for career in computer technology.  Later changed his choice to construction management.
August 28, 2007

Justin became a daddy again.  Jaycie Elizabeth Lindley was born today.  Justin was there at her birth and was able to take care of her through her first 10 1/2 months.  He loved feeding her, watching her grow and was always excited each time she did something new.


July 16, 2008
Early on July 16, 2008, Justin left our sight and returned home to his heavenly father. His soul and his legacy live on.   He will always be in our thoughts and will be forever in our hearts. 
November 2, 2008
In trying to list the many significant events in Justin's life story, it will be nearly impossible to list them all. Please feel free to send your contributions, as I am but a mere page in the storybook of Justin Bradley Lindley.  Justin loved life, he was a free-spirit, loved his music, and his family.  He was nearly always smiling and upbeat no matter how bleak the outlook at times.  The telling of Justin's life story will be a work in process.  A labor of love from your Mom, Justin, the one who carried you below her heart for nine months and will continue to carry you in her heart forever more.  Always and forever I will love you!!