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Visitor Guestbook
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Robi Stevens November 14, 2008
Austin's momma
Hey you, just wanted to stop by and tell you that I miss and think of you daily. You will always have a special place in my heart that no one can ever touch. Austin is the best gift you ever gave me and for that I am thankful. Wow he has really grown up and proud to be your son! I love you - Robi
stacey cody November 11, 2008
HI SWEETIE. i miss you eveyday so much it hurts. id do just about anything to have you back.....but i cant so wait for me coming. thanks for EVERYTHING especially jaycie, she's my life and you would be SO proud. I love you your fiance and one love-stacey
Mom November 7, 2008
Thought I would be the first to sign your guestbook-hope others will follow!

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