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Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom
With love and remembrance-- this candle i light for you-- you are a special angel-- who's missed by all you knew--❤--
Psalm 73:24 "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterword receive me to glory" God Bless You*
Baby Shaun's family
Goodnight sweetie, Im sending you and your loving family gentle hugs and lots of love ♥
Edwina~Troy's mum
Just like a butterfly,you flew into our lives and out again,We will always remember and love you,never more then a heartbeat away ♥
family to gordon a
Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never.
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Good Morning, May the heaven light shine ever so bright on your lovely family, with lots of LOVE and HUGS!
Barb/Nicky Pisano's MOM
But if these beings guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers. Saint Ambrose
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JUSTIN*May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind be always with you.May the sunshine warm you always'til we meet again*
Jordan's Grma/Kim's sister
Happy Friday angel Justin. Have a wonderful day. ♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Blessings are a treasure so true that their value cannot be measured and one of God's blessings is you! ~HUGS~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you my thougths and prayers for a peaceful, glorious night with God. You are always loved, forever remembered and missed.
^i^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
A loved one is never gone until they are 4-gotten & to live in the hearts of those left behind is to live on 4-ever!!
cindi dana regans mom
Our precious little Angels, Their fluffy wings spread wide, They're watching over mummy, From high in the bright blue sky
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
When we lose someone we love the loss seems to great to bear God sends us friends to comfort us to show He deeply cares..{Teresa}
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Mother of Sorrow, we understand your pain.Please embrace, protect, comfort our beloved Angels beside your loving son Jesus.Amen.XO
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Take comfort in the fact that God's word never fail. Be blessed & be encourage, you are special in God's eyes!
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Loved with a love beyond all telling missed with a grief beyond all tears, to the world he was one to us he was the world. G/B xo
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
When Angels guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers. Good night..sweet dreams!!
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Justin, you are never far away from our thoughts and always lovingly held close to our hearts sweet angel ((Teresa))
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Another month is ending a new one begins. No matter what month, day, or year I'll always be thinking of you! Hugs xo
kat, angel lizzie shea momma
Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. ~Fanny J. Crosby
PatrickJay*grd Mama
May God grant us unwavering faith,constant hope & love that endures to the end.(To*JUSTIN* Mom Teresa)
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Handsome Justin, Someone so special... Could never be forgotten... You will live forever in our hearts xx,♥ ((Teresa))
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Good evening sweet Angel. From work, I lit this candle in your loving memory for peace, joy, glory. May your light burn forever.XO
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Justin, I think of you & your sweet mom everyday, You both have a special place in my heart. xx,♥ ((Teresa))
^i^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
Lighting this candle to let YOU know I was thinking of YOU...precious Justin!!
Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner
It's just a little candle, But means a lot, To say Hi, I haven't forgot. You are remember in Love today.
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
A part of my heart he took with him but his love he left me to keep so we will never realy be parted the bond between us is 2 deep
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Justin please have a glorious day..May your morning be happy and bright..And your day be very special from morning till night..
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Those who we have held in our arms a little while, We hold in our hearts forever xx,♥ **Justin** ((Teresa))
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Is death the last sleep? No... it is the last and final awakening. Sir walter Scott. You are alive and safe in our hearts!XO.
Edwina~Troy's mum
It takes but just a moment, to light this candle for you, Its just to show that you are missed, and loved forever too.
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Life & love are precious gifts... Once shared they remain in the heart forever. xx,♥ **Justin** ((Teresa))
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
I'm lighting this candle in honor and memory of you sweet Angel!! Always Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Lord,give us the joy of your peace in this life & help us to gain the happiness that will never end with*JUSTIN*(Teresa)
cindi dana regans mom
Justin you are on my mind all the time and i am always looking for a sign from the stars in the sky ^j^ hugs precious angel<3
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