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LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
In the arms of the Angels, you are gently comforted with eternal life, love, peace, joy, and glory. In our hearts you are alive.XO
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Sweet Angel no day goes by w/o thoughts of you as I keep ur loving family lifted in prayers 4 comfort & hope
Good night Justin! Loving you yesterday, tomorrow and forever more. You are on my mind constantly-never forgotten!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Someday we may start w just 1 person,1 permanent peace agreement within one'self within one's world(Mattie Stepanek)
Jordan Spencer's mom
Good morning Justin, sending lots of love and hugs for you and your family. God Bless.
Loren-Mom to Angel Austin
Gratitude to our Savior for making eternal families a dream come true.
mom 2 Waylon kitchens
Angel singing softly loves sweetest lullaby, Heart is now reviving, The gift of God on High! xoxoxooxoxoxoxo
^i^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
Fly up over the rainbows, gather dust of gold, sprinkle it from we can feel U'r presence near!!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Someday the world'll be a rushing river of peace,a loving circle that nothing can break(Mattie Stepanek died of M.D at 13)
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
With this candle, I pray you always have a peaceful, joyful, blessed, and glorious heavenly journey with God, Jesus,Blessed Mother
Edwina~Troy's mum/Shaun's Aunt
Each time we see a rainbow in a lovely sky of blue it fills our hearts with sunshine and makes us think of you
^I^IsaBella Carvalho's Mom
Hi handsome angel,passing by to see you and say hello to your family and light this candle in your loving memory.(hugs)
Barb/Nicky Pisano's MOM
Hello handsome angel.I light this candle in remembrence of you.Like a candle in the wind only one that never blows out
Jordan's Grma/Kim's sister
Good morning angel. Thinking of you and your family today. Have a wonderful day in heaven. ♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
☻When starlights twinkle and play,a warm gud night I always say sleep tight I sincerely pray! ((HUGS))
Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner
Sending you lots of hugs and kisses! Maybe you can share them with all your friends!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*JUSTIN*"Your heart unfold before your God like flowers opening to the sun above"Have a beautiful day.(Teresa)
Cathy~Mom of David Giraud
Don't worry about anything~pray about everything~Tell God what you need~thank Him for all he has done & trust in the HOPE*
Donna Mom to Angie Con't
The hardest thing to try and put together! Sending you big hugs and luvs sweetie ox Sending a big hug to you also Teresa xo
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
A parents heart is the most fragile thing in the world once they have a child. If the child dies the heart smashes and it's
patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
"We shall live in houses we build & eat fruit of the vineyards we plant.The things of the past shall nt be remembered"
My heart actually aches-real physical pain! I miss you so much Justin!
Laura & AV Fam of Lisa Maas
Just stoppin by to say good morning 2 my fav angels. Sorry it has been so long but u r always in r ♥'s & Never 4gotten♥
cindi dana regans mom
Justin i am sending hugs to you and while your messing around with dana fly on down and give us some love we miss you so much<3
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele danas na godišnjicu Gospina ukazanja u Međugorju,neka draga Gospa bude uz tvoju obitelj i pomaže joj nositi teški križ.
Edwina~Troy's mum
A Life that touches the Hearts of Others Goes on Forever. You are forever loved sweet angel Justin ~Hugs Teresa
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard or the sound of crying;His people will be a delight"IS.6 5 -19*JUSTIN*
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele, današnji blagdan Sv.Ivana proslavi u zagrljaju majke Božje i sa svim našim anđelima. Znaj da nedostaješ i da te volimo....
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the Holy Spirit embrace you with everlasting life, love, peace, joy, and glory. Forever loved, remembered and missed.XOXOXOXO.
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom
Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.
cindi dana regans mom
Good night precious Justin u r always in my heart i will write ur name at the top of the sand castle and show it off to the stars
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We need not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day for our angels will guard us in all our ways.*JUSTIN*
mom to Angel Darko Durbic
⋱♰⋰ For someone very Special, a Candle full of Love . Sent from Me to You, to Heaven up Above ⋱♰⋰
Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner
Good morning, what a blessed day, to light your candle and to have happy thoughts come your way.
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Precious Angel sending hugs to you in Heaven above and prayers to your family who loves & misses you so very much!!
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Handsome Justin so young and pure, God took you home and is keeping you there. Ur family will join u and stay with u always! Hugs
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