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Justin-you are on my mind today as always-the first thing I think of when my eyes open and the last thing I think of at night.  It still does not seem real most days-still waiting for the phone to ring and it to be you saying "Whaz up Mom"!  Today I am thinking of all the little milestones when you were a baby-first tooth at 4 months & 2 days and the 2nd one followed just a few days later, how you rolled everywhere instead of crawling till about a week before you walked at nine months old.  A mother's heart never forgets-where did all that time go????????? Love you so much!
Remembering today many birthdays with you. At 8:54 a.m. 31 years ago today my life was changed forever.  I looked into the dark brown beautiful eyes that taught me what it was to feel the kind of love I had never felt before.  Love so deep I would give my own life for it.  You are my firstborn and no matter how old you got you will always be my baby! Love you for ever more, keep my seat warm, I will be there in the blink of an eye.
I sit here tonight remembering you, my heart aches-I can feel it to the depths of my soul.  I have so many good memories of you and I am trying very hard to bring those to my mind tonight-two years ago this very time is the last time physically I touched you.  I love you Justin, death can never take that away from me.  Thanks for all the beautiful memories of you!
Julie Draper

When you were 2 or 3 years of age I was blessed to work at the daycare that you went to. I want your children to know that you were the cutest little boy with big  brown eyes and dark hair. You did not like to nap because you wanted to continue playing and would not go to sleep unless I sat down beside you and rubbed your back. I will never forget you and I hope someone in Heaven is rubbing your back so you can get some sleep.

Thank you Justin for making me a Mom for the first time.  I remember vividly looking into your big brown eyes thinking my heart would surely explode with love, never had I felt a love like the love I feel for you.  I loved watching you sleep when you were little thinking how very blessed I was that God had entrusted such a beautiful little boy to me.  Through the years we went through many things but never one time did I ever question our love for one another.  Even in the deepest of valley's I knew and I know you knew that our love was beyond measure.  I know now that you are happy and finally free-Praise the Lord Justin-finally free!  Have a beautiful day today in your Father's House-see you in the blink of an eye-till then know I will ALWAYS Love You!!!!

I too remember that trip to Kentucky, we had recently learned that I was pregnant with Austin when you left for boot camp and I couldn't wait for you to see my growing belly and to tell you we were having a son. I also remember teasing you and telling you we were having twins!! The look on your face was priceless!


I also remember how proud of you I was that you made it thru boot camp and how well you had done. And I remember how we both cried like babies when Sunday came and we had to leave you and come back home. It was so hard being away from still is...but like always you are in my heart and I think of you everyday.  

Justin I remember when you were in boot camp in Kentucky.  We got to come for the 1st visit right around Easter time.  I remember so well everytime we talked leading up to our visit how you would drill me about the kind of Easter candy you "Needed". You would even do the same thing with Robi who came with us so I wouldn't forget anything! I remember even as a young adult you would walk right down the middle of the mall at Easter time with bunny ears on just to see the reaction of the other people-I so miss your antics, even the pestering me!


This year, the family came up to our house for Christmas.  We all sat around, played games, and ate.  When everyone was about to leave, Jaycie came up to me and said "I'm a big girl, Egg."  I couldn't stop smiling, that is exactly what you used to call me all the time growing up.  I know that you are living in her heart and we all got a good laugh out of it.  Thanks Justin.  Even though your not here in the flesh, we all know you are with us.  I love you and miss you...


Meg :)

Tonight as we lit your candle our family sat together and looked back at all the pictures of us all throughout the years.  The memories fill up my heart.  You are such a part of who we are as a family and that dear Justin will never change.  Your physical being may not be here but your spirit lives on.  My initial intention was to look through pictures of just you, but as I started to pour through them I realized that it is not just you but us as a family and who we were together.  We miss you so much, our lives are forever changed. We now have a very huge hole in our heart but take comfort in knowing you are but a heartbeat away.  Loving you yesterday, today and forever Justin Bradley Lindley!!
Justin - I have many memories with you so it's hard for me to pick just one, but  I remember the summer of 1998 when we both had our wisdom teeth pulled and took care of each other afterwards. You had yours done first and when it came time for me to get mine done you went to my mom to let her know all the things I would need to survive the following days, which mainly included cases of snack pack pudding. LOL I remember how sweet and caring you were and how you stayed by my side day and night the those next few days. I thank God for putting you in my life and for blessing us with an AWESOME son, looking at him everyday makes it a little bit easier to deal with you being gone because he is just a mini version of you and that brings a smile to my face everyday. I love you Justin!

I remember when you were in Illinois and mom had bought a Bible she was going to send to you(It was a pretty fancy one) and how I got the honor of being the organizer of the pens, notepad, bookmark, etc. that went with it. After you got the Bible we had sent, you wrote me a letter. I still have the letter its on my bulletin board in my room. Justin thank you for the small things like the letter and the encouragements written inside.

Uncle Rusty


I miss you... always think about you.  Seems like everytime our family gets together your name always comes up in conversation.  Usually, it's always about something funny that you've done or said... 


Lord, I thank you for all your blessings.  I thank you for all the time that you gave to us to spend with Justin.  Lord, I thank you for your plan of salvation that you gave us so that we could spend eternity with our familys in Heaven.  I thank you that one day I will see Justin again...


Lord, I pray that you bless Justin's children...  Lord, kept your hand on thier lives. Be with them always lead and guide thier every step..


Lord, I ask that you comfort Teresa, give her peace in knowing that Justin is in a much better place, a place that you have prepared for us...








  I just wanted to say thank you for all the good memories you have left us with.  We were eating lunch the other day and we starting quoting different movies.  My mind immediately went to you.  If I listen hard enough I can still hear you laughing trying to get through the many lines you had memorized.  I'm sorry I can't be there tonight, but please know that I will never forget you!  I love you very much!!



My dad told a story about you this past weekend and I thought I'd share it...  Dad decided to fix "fireman food" for dinner one night.  I asked him why we all called it fireman food when it was just a big casserole dinner.  He said that when you were younger you would not eat it one night when you were over his house so he told you it was food that all the fireman ate.  That was enough to convince you to try it and from then on you would eat the infamous "fireman food."  Funny how traditions start... So because of you, we had the yummy fireman food for dinner :) I miss and love you so much!!!

When you were in the hospital you told me when you toot you walk faster.
Dad.I remember when you broke your back you told me to get on your back.I asked you what the doc said and you said you couldn't pick up over 40 lbs.And I said I weighed 52 lbs.You said "I'm not going to listen to him!!!
The Twin's & Micheal's Mommy( Scatto )
Well Justin this week little Jaycie has battled the croup. Made me think about the time when you were 2 years old that we spent a couple of days in the hospital under a croup tent, me in it with you because that is the only way you would stay.  I remember as you felt better you wandered into the restroom and pushed the nurse panic call button, everyone came running.  I have to say I was a bit surprised since I didn't know you had managed to do that.  Everyone had a good laugh!!
Today Justin I am remembering many Easters with you.  The earliest one I remember you were about 20 months old, it was raining and we did our egg hunt inside at grandmother's house on Candlewood. Of course the eggs were more of a ball to throw for you.  When you picked it up to find that it had cracked and was broken, you came to me with tears running down your cheeks saying "fik it, fik it". Momma's should be able to fix it all, but that was the first of many hard lessons that not everything could be fixed.  Even as an adult, you always had an Easter basket, bag or even a six pack cooler full of your favorite candies.  Today I know you are beholding the real reason we have Easter and I know our celebrations pale in comparison!  Hope today my dear son you are having a wonderful 1st Easter in heaven sitting at the feet of Jesus!
The Twin's & Micheal's Mommy( Scatto )




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