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Shannon, Kristin & Haley


I have no idea where to start. When I think about you I think of all of your jokes.   Your laugh was so contagious! No one could ever stay mad or upset around you.  I remember when you went to high school at Valley View.  Meg and I got out earlier than you did so we waited in the car for you everyday.  You always took SOO long.  You just had to socialize! When we both found out we were having baby girls we said that Austin, Jaycie and Haley needed to grow up together just like the five of us did.  We were all up to something when the holidays came around! Justin we all miss you and love you very much.  The holidays won't be the same without you.  Though we can't see you, I'll know you will be there watching over all of us!


Love you...

Shannon, Kristin & Haley

Uncle Rusty


I miss you my friend, always will remember you. I remember letting you fly the flight simulator here at the house on Candlewood. You always liked crashing the plane into the ground and getting to start all over again. Reminds me of the first time that you and I went for a flight in my real airplane, I remember after we got back on the ground.."You didn't wanna nose the palne into the ground"...You told me "Hey I didn't wanna touch anything !!"  You were not so brave when it came to the real thing. I looked in my logbbok, that was April 24th, 1995.


I'll miss you this year at Thanksgiving & Christmas, always kidding around, quoting lines from funny movies, and most of all watching you eat all the peanut butter pie !!


I miss you my brother....  Uncle Rusty










Justin -

The things that stick out in my mind are when you would run up and down the stairs during the holidays and call me "egg" instead of Meg, even when you knew I hated it.  I think you just loved aggravating me!  Or when I would miss your call and you would leave me voicemails that would tell me how everything you had to tell me, big or small, was SO very important.  I miss your laugh and your jokes.  You always knew how to make everyone you were around smile.  Everytime I think of you, you still make me smile.  Love you...



your baby girl
Hi dadadada-i remember all the great times we had together...even when i was in mommas tummy. You used to turn up the grateful dead and jack johnson and would tell me i was your lil flower baby. you used to always tell me to quit bein mean to momma whenever i would make her a lil sick. i remember how safe i felt in your arms when you and mommy would have to get up all night and get me sum baba. daddy i love you so much you will forever live through me....cuz im just like ya!  ill see you in my dreams dada i love you.....your lil baby
I remember when you were about seven years old and you told me you were glad I named you Justin.  When I asked you why?  You said "cause that's what everyone calls me".  Too funny-you realized right away how silly that was.  I remember telling you if I'd named you Fred they would've called you Fred!!!  I literally could write a book with things you said or did like this--always kept me laughing.

justin-wow where can i start with a memory? im not gonna talk about all the bad things weve done and been through but just havin the memory of your touch, of your kiss, the way you held me, and you took my craziness used to say its ok baby that your crazy we're all a little crazy inside you just got a lil more. you never turned your back on me, i know how much you loved me. i loved you SO much, i was just a kid when i met you. ill never forget that day. youll always be my true love....always. your mine forever...and youll always have my heart. i miss you everyday,i havent yet figured out how to cope i know one day ill be ok and i can be with you once again. our baby is so big justin she's so much like you. she looks so much you its hard lookin at her all i see is your sweet face. just watch over us baby thats all you can do now. Help me be the best mom for your little girl. i love you justin bradley with everything i have. ill see you soon i miss you so much sweetie

I remember when you were six years old, we were at a mexican restaurant going through the drive- thru.  Just so happened you were in the seat next to the window.  As I was getting out my money to pay for the food,  I hear the lady at the window gasp.  I look up and you have a plastic gun pointed at her trying to pull off a hold-up.  I do believe you scared the poor lady to death and I had to do some quick explaining to get us out of this one.  Never a dull moment with you-Justin.
Justin-You were the world's youngest expert on GI Joe men-knew every one, when they were issued, what series ,etc.  Even got paid at Target one time to help a lady pick some out for her child!
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