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Justin I remember last Christmas when you and Tyler teamed up opening the only presents I got you that you didn't already know what it was.  Each of you, as usual blamed the other one when I noticed what you had done.
I remember when Justin was about Jaycie's age, he was bouncing in his baby bed.  Actually he was having a little fit and bouncing.  We heard a thud, ran to check on him and he had bounced himself right out of the bed landing on his feet. Shocked him and scared us.
I remember when you and Granddad secretly were dipping your Hershey bars in the peanut butter like on the commercials.

In October 2007, my step-sister Kara hosted a baby shower for me.  Being that it was in Jacksonville, Aunt Teresa, Justin, Austin and baby Jaycie were able to make it.  You could see in his eyes he was a proud daddy.  At the shower he told me about the day him and Stacey decided to wash all Jaycie's clothes before she was born.  They took everything off the hangers and threw it in the washing machine.  When everything came out of the dryer, he couldn't remember what pieces went together to make outfits!  I definately  took that advice to heart when I washed Haley's clothes. 


Justin I love you and miss you very much! Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, but there will be a candle burning for you in Brookland, Arkansas!

I remember you always saying you were on a diet as you walked in with a cheeseburger, chips and a slim-fast to wash it down!
When Justin was about 2 years old he was playing with our toy poodle Pierre.  I heard quite a commotion from the dog and laughter from Justin.  Went to check on them and found Justin with his pants down chasing the dog to wet on him.  Funny thing was the dog would wait on him to get close then take off barking, he enjoyed the game as much as Justin.

I remember no-bake cookies when you would babysit even late at night.

When I smell sun-ripened raspberry lotion I think of you.
I remember "Justin movies" ...Billy Madison, Joe Dirt, Napoleon Dynamite and the list goes on.
Justin, I remember the time you taught Tyler to rave dance in the den and he just looked at you and said so I act like I am going down a basketball court, wave my hands around and not really go anywhere?
I remember how sad you were when you lost your lucky rabbit's foot in a dressing room.   You cried and cried and wanted us to go back to find it.

When Justin lost his first tooth biting on a tupperware sippy cup, I had to convince him he would get another tooth before I could finish pulling it.  I had always told him if he didn't brush his teeth would fall out and he was quite sure it was happening.  But he was excited the next morning when the toothfairy really did leave money.  In fact, he was ready to pull all of his teeth.  Didn't take Justin long to figure out how to scam the toothfairy.  He would leave a note saying his mother wanted to keep the tooth, then he would proceed to take the tooth to his grandmother's house and his Dad's house for yet another visit from the toothfairy.

I remember red hair, green hair, the sumo wrestler haircut.  I also remember sagging pants and the skater look.  You always changed looks like the weather in those days.
Justin I remember when you stuck a button up your nose and went to Grandmother saying button, button-where is the button?  Button come out of my nose!
I remember when you pretended you were superman, you asked me if I wanted you to go pick up the truck off the mailbox.  Seems the cable man had hit the mailbox and there really was a truck on it.
Uncle Rusty


I will alway remember the time that I bought you a fire truck that you could pedal around the house. I lettered it up just like the one that I was assigned to at the J'boro Fire Department. We kept it in the den on Candlewood, you would come over and play fireman... I think the funniest thing I remember about all your fireman stuff was the helmet that you wore around the house, the strap that was suppose to tighten on your head always ended up under your nose like a chin strap...

Uncle Rusty


I remember when you were at Fort Knox. Your Mom and I flew up to Louisville KY to see you graduate from Basic Training. I was so proud of you, heck I could tell you were proud of yourself ! I remember how you lined up at the door of the Mess Hall with your ID in your left hand so that the guy could see it as you marched in to eat. I also remember kidding you about sitting at the front table, you were afraid I would sit down at the officers table and get you in trouble. All the time I knew what I was doing but you were so scared I would sit down with the brass !!

Cindy and Dave

Justin,  We remember when you were  a young kiddo and would stay at our house  You would pretend to be a D.J. on the radio.  Dave would call you Justininio Hall, and you got a big kick out of it. You also had a keen interest in Dave's scuba diving gear and loved putting on the equipment and breathing off the tank!  You always had so much energy and were interested in so many things.  Dave would take you on outings, so you would have special guy time with out all the "babies around".  You were so excited by the mall!  Your are missed!


Donna Carlin


I remember a time when you were in Illinois.  You were the food manager and one of the meals called for garlic and sweet potatoes.  The problem was we didn't have any sweet potatoes, and all the garlic had been used in another meal.  You went to Bridge in a panic and asked her what to do.  She said, "You already know what to do...go to your Heavenly Father and ask him to send it in."  And you left and went to pray and ask Him.  30 minutes later a lady showed up with a big box of nothing but fresh sweet potatoes and fresh garlic.  She dropped it off and left.  None of us had ever seen her before, and to this day we do not know who she was.  Thank you for praying ... you faith, and ours was built up that day!



As the first Thanksgiving is about to happen without you, my heart aches for you. It will not be the same without seeing you pile your plate high with ham, macaroni and cheese (not touching any vegetables of course).  Seeing you devour peanut butter pie-always wanted me to make one that was yours only-Ha!  I miss you more than any words can express Justin.  I am truly thankful for you and all the joy you brought into my life! 
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