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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Act of Kindness Card

I personally will be remembering Justin by performing random acts of kindness-from simple things like buying a stranger's meal, to adopting an angel named Justin at Christmas. Random Act of Kindness cards are here.  Leave one each time-it has Justin's picture and web site info to let people know the act of kindness was performed in his memory.  I will provide cards to anyone who would like to pay it forward!!!! Let's honor Justin's memory in a positive way.  Let me know how many you would like-will mail them to you if need be.

Justin was a blessing-let's continue to pass blessings on in his memory.  Ask your special friends to honor Justin's memory by at least paying it forward five times, more if they would like. 

Use this page to log in some of the kind acts you pass on and hopefully the recipients will also log in and tell us how they were blessed.  Anything you have done feel free to post under Anonymous.  Also feel free to post your name or your location-will be fun to see how far we can reach and how many people we can bless in Justin's memory.         Teresa


Teresa July 5, 2009
Random Act of Kindness Returns to Me
Today I was busy fixing our July 4th meal when Austin's momma, Robi, walked in with me three beautiful roses and a random act of kindness card!  I truly felt blessed.  Made me
Teresa June 29, 2009
Helping Hand
Jill and I made a Wal-Mart run today and as we were going in we passed a lady in a scooter cart pretty full of groceries.  She was alone and parked in the first handicapped spot.  It was in the upper 90's today and she pulled the scooter to the side of her car to unload the groceries.  I looked at Jill and said let's go.  We approached the lady and asked if we could unload her groceries for her and she was very pleased and thankful.  She talked to us a minute, told us how she told her husband she thought she could do this on her own.  Took us all of 3-4 minutes, made her smile and us too.
Teresa June 28, 2009
Busy as a Bee
Not posting some of the Acts of Kindness but so far keeping up, doing at least one a day.  Each time makes me smile, I  also feel that Justin is proud and God is satisfied with these simple things.
Teresa June 25, 2009
Rewarding a Job Well Done
Austin's little sister, Kayleigh, has been struggling with some behavior issues in her new daycamp.  Yesterday she called me at work so excited that she had not been in trouble all day. She was so very proud of herself.  Tonight I found some Hannah Montana bubble bath and dropped it by to her to congratulate her on her improvement.  Made her day and mine too.  Bath time tonight should be a blast!
Teresa June 25, 2009
Simple but Appreciated
Tonight Terry & I ate at a mexican restaurant and used a coupon for a discount.  The ad we got it from came with a second coupon for 1/2 off and as we left the restaurant I asked a lady in the lobby if she would like the coupon.  She was appreciative and of course she got a random act of kindness card with it, hope she was blessed by a simple act.
Teresa June 22, 2009
Kindness-Only Costs Time
Today at Sam's I watched as a lady struggled through the store with a pallet piled high with things that kept dropping off (most likely buying for her office-dressed in scrubs).  Taking my things to my car turns out she parked two spaces from me.  I approached her and gave her an act of kindness card and asked if I might help her load the things into her car.  This only took a few minutes and turns out we both have a friend in common.  She asked me about Justin and it was nice to share with her.  Thanks Linda for allowing me to honor Justin today, I hope you were blessed.
Teresa June 19, 2009
Blessing the Waitress
Today Jill, the grandkids and I went to lunch.  I remember Justin waiting tables for a living, making only $2-$3 an hour and relying on the tips he received to make a living.  He was a very good waiter. On his first heavenly birthday as the kids and I shopped for birthday balloons, a man that had seen me enter the store and followed me in. I had seen him at Justin's visitation but never got a chance to speak to him, had trouble placing who he was.  Well as it was he had sold Justin insurance then Justin had also been his waiter several times.  He wanted to tell me that day just how sorry he was and tell me how courteous Justin  had been the times he was his waiter.  He told me how polite Justin always was to him and what a good person he was--boy did I need to hear that! So today the waitress got a tip equal to half the bill and a random act of kindness card as I remember my son who made such an impression in one man's life.
Teresa June 19, 2009
Thankful for Friends
Thinking back today of all the friends who have laughed with me and have also not been afraid to cry with me in my life. I treated my co-workers today to cookies in Justin's memory. Justin loved cookies, there were many nights he made top of the stove oatmeal cookies at midnight (one of few things he could cook-ha!) but he would make them and we would stay up late talking, watching TV just having a good time.  Wish all my new online friends could be here to share a smile and a cookie with me today, so close your eyes I am sending you a great big virtual cookie today to make you SMILE and thank you for your support & friendship.
Teresa June 17, 2009
Remembering a Blessing
Today when I stood in the check-out line at the grocery store I thought back to when Justin worked as a bagger in this very store as a teenager.  He came home very excited one day when he received a $20 tip from someone for helping them get their groceries to their car.  Certainly was not an every day occurence or expected but someone made his day.  Then it came to me, there was an elderly lady behind me in line with just a couple of items in her hands and credit card ready to pay.  As the clerk asked if that was all, I said no actually I would like to cover her purchase as well. The elderly lady was surprised, hadn't heard me and was trying to explain that these items were not mine. I handed her a random act of kindness card and told her to have a blessed day.  The clerk was smiling ear to ear, so I gave her one too and asked her to bless someone today also. 
Teresa June 17, 2009
Ice Cream for Supper
Tonight I took my grandson, Austin, his Mom and sister out for a surprise ice cream for supper night. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing happy, chocolate faced kids.  Reminds me of another little one who loved anything chocolate, especially if some peanut butter were also thrown in. Hoping Austin, Mom and sister will pass on an act of kindness tomorrow as well.

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