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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Act of Kindness Card

I personally will be remembering Justin by performing random acts of kindness-from simple things like buying a stranger's meal, to adopting an angel named Justin at Christmas. Random Act of Kindness cards are here.  Leave one each time-it has Justin's picture and web site info to let people know the act of kindness was performed in his memory.  I will provide cards to anyone who would like to pay it forward!!!! Let's honor Justin's memory in a positive way.  Let me know how many you would like-will mail them to you if need be.

Justin was a blessing-let's continue to pass blessings on in his memory.  Ask your special friends to honor Justin's memory by at least paying it forward five times, more if they would like. 

Use this page to log in some of the kind acts you pass on and hopefully the recipients will also log in and tell us how they were blessed.  Anything you have done feel free to post under Anonymous.  Also feel free to post your name or your location-will be fun to see how far we can reach and how many people we can bless in Justin's memory.         Teresa


Robi Stevens June 9, 2009
Austin's Momma
I woke up late this morning and was rushing to get ready for work, Austin knew I was late and to help me out, he took it upon himself to pack him and his sister Kaleigh's lunch so that all I had to do was put the sandwhiches together and out the door we went and I was only 20 min late for work this morning. I hugged him and thanked him for being so helpful and he handed me one of his daddy's random acts of kindness cards and said "anytime mom", I am thankfrul for our WONDERFUL son.
Anonymous April 20, 2009
Sponsored a young man named Justin at Grace Mission Bible Training Center for his graduation dinner from the program.
Anonymous March 20, 2009
Ate out tonight and the waitress received a tip equal to the bill.  She was pregnant and due very soon, hope this made her day.
Teresa March 10, 2009

I know myself and many others are busy doing all kinds of things in memory of Justin to pay forward the blessings he brought to our lives.  Most of these things are done without posting them.  I know this because I am constantly giving out more cards than I have with me at the time and this makes me SMILE!!  What a pleasure it is to feel some JOY!  If you are one of the many who are using these little cards to pass on a smile and blessing please let us hear from you.

Anonymous March 10, 2009
Worked all day helping a guy fix his car, agreement was for him to pay me $50, just gave him a Random Acts of Kindness card instead. 
Anonymous March 10, 2009
Paid for the person's order behind me in line at Starbucks.  Made me feel blessed!
Deborah L. Clark January 4, 2009

It was November the 27th and we were invited to eat dinner with the Jacobs family. It was a wonderful evening this Thanksgiving and my husband, and I enjoyed our meal with such wonderful company. I was sitting across the table from Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and felt such sweet serenity from them. Teresa radiated beauty from the inside out. I caught myself wandering how she could be so brave and have such a great spirit about her. I will say this, that evening I was touched like never before. God must be carrying this family through these hard times. I am not so sure I could be so strong. When it was time to pay the ticket Mrs. Jacobs pulls out this card that had her late son's photo on it and told me to pay it forward. Her and her husband gladly picked up the tab and I was left in tears. My heart was so touched this Thanksgiving night that I had to pay it forward 2 times. I found myself giving to someone at the grocery store, that was some child's Christmas present. My husband and I also brought a soldier home for Christmas. God is pleased with these acts of kindess.

Thank you Mrs Jacobs.

Debbie&Roland Clark

Austin/Mimi December 10, 2008
9 year old son
image Austin told me this weekend "Mimi I am using my cards".  Seems he has been doing extra work for his teacher and gave her a Random Act of Kindness card.  What a blessing to see a 9 year old understand the concept of giving back and honoring his Daddy's memory.  Even earned himself an extra candy treat from the teacher!!!!    You go Austin-Daddy would be PROUD OF YOU!
Anonymous November 27, 2008
Left a triple amount for tip today when eating out and left the card with the receipt.
Teresa November 26, 2008
Today I paid for the food purchased at Arby's for the car behind me in line.  When I handed the cashier the card to give to the person when they got to the window, the cashier immediately recognized Justin's picture on the card.  Turns out her child is buried in the same cemetery as Justin and she has seen his headstone.  Double blessing for me because my goal is to make sure Justin's name and his memory are never forgotten and that blessings are passed on in his memory.  Made me !

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