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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Act of Kindness Card

I personally will be remembering Justin by performing random acts of kindness-from simple things like buying a stranger's meal, to adopting an angel named Justin at Christmas. Random Act of Kindness cards are here.  Leave one each time-it has Justin's picture and web site info to let people know the act of kindness was performed in his memory.  I will provide cards to anyone who would like to pay it forward!!!! Let's honor Justin's memory in a positive way.  Let me know how many you would like-will mail them to you if need be.

Justin was a blessing-let's continue to pass blessings on in his memory.  Ask your special friends to honor Justin's memory by at least paying it forward five times, more if they would like. 

Use this page to log in some of the kind acts you pass on and hopefully the recipients will also log in and tell us how they were blessed.  Anything you have done feel free to post under Anonymous.  Also feel free to post your name or your location-will be fun to see how far we can reach and how many people we can bless in Justin's memory.         Teresa


Teresa November 24, 2008
Austin, Jaycie and I adopted a seven year old young man named Justin today off the angel tree.  Together we will pick out things for his Christmas hopefully blessing him in Justin's memory.
Anonymous November 13, 2008
Sponsored a young man named Justin for Christmas at Grace Mission Bible Training Center. 

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