I have added a new song to your website Justin, Homesick by Mercy Me! When I heard this the first time I cried and cried because it expresses my inner most feelings. I don't understand, my heart is hurting, I long to hear your laugh and feel your hugs. I know my pain will never end, I am forever changed as of Wednesday, July 16, 2008. This second year has been even harder than the first, I guess because I realize the finality of it all, that you are not coming back and this is not some horrible nightmare. I want to wake up and have you here with me. My heart knows you are well and happy and it even knows I will see you again but it hurts so much. Part of me died on July 16th, 2008. Parents are not supposed to outlive their children-you were my future!
Just going to write as I feel the need to this month! I love you Justin!